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Autor: Gast Thema: adjust the rear light of epica!  (Gelesen 5916 mal)


  • Gast
adjust the rear light of epica!
« am: 09. September 2011, 02:58:25 »
hello every one! :) i hope u r ok

i have idea to adjust the rear of epica! and make it led

I think to adjust like the E class , azera


what do you thing! it will be great !! which one do you favorite ,, and easy for make it

of course this detail as you want, but  it cost a lot of money!

because I search on e-buy , but all of them are not great ..

I wait for your reply ..

« Letzte Änderung: 09. September 2011, 03:01:17 von Saudi Epica »


  • ハラルドメッサーシュミット
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  • 6-Zylinder
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Re: adjust the rear light of epica!
« Antwort #1 am: 09. September 2011, 08:40:19 »
because of our road traffic act we are unfortunately not able to remove parts which don't have a CE-mark, which is a mark of conformity. it is against the act and - worst case szenario - we will loose our coverage. I know this sounds strange - that's how it is - and most driver - like me - we don't run a risk about that.

cheers inti31
Chevrolet Epica LT 2.5 / 6-Gang AT / EZ 05/2008 / dark denim grey / LPG (BRC P&D)
Kia Carens CRDi 1.7 / 7-Gang DCT / EZ 09/2015 / schwarz


  • Gast
Re: adjust the rear light of epica!
« Antwort #2 am: 09. September 2011, 12:44:28 »
yes I understood .. but I adjust to add LED .. not to change all of the rear ..

like this just example , i don't like it

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