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Chevrolet Epica / Chevrolet Malibu

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____________________Chevrolet Epica

Autor: Gast Thema: picture of my savage EPICA 09 .. everybody enters  (Gelesen 9474 mal)


  • Gast
picture of my savage EPICA 09 .. everybody enters
« am: 05. September 2011, 16:59:46 »
hello everyone!!

how r u !! good

i would to share with u picture of my car ..

Of course my car is from my country saudi arabia - asia

and tell me what do u  think about my car ...


i am waiting your reply!! thank u  :thumbsup
« Letzte Änderung: 05. September 2011, 17:02:00 von SAUDI EPICA »


  • Gast
Re: picture of my savage EPICA 09 .. everybody enters
« Antwort #1 am: 05. September 2011, 19:57:41 »
yes isn't original ..
the original for my car 09 like this

because it hasn't MP3 and CD I bought this screen and it's special for epica original

it cost 2300 RS , in germany 435.296 EUR

it has a CD, MP3 , DVD, HD, BLUETOOH, SD, USB, RADIO, TV , GPS , you can call from phone
and the most important thing is u can control from the direccion (direction) ..

what do u think about it!! 
« Letzte Änderung: 05. September 2011, 20:04:36 von SAUDI EPICA »


  • ハラルドメッサーシュミット
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  • 6-Zylinder
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Re: picture of my savage EPICA 09 .. everybody enters
« Antwort #2 am: 05. September 2011, 20:14:53 »
really? - your Epica 2011 radio doesn't have mp3 else an CD/dvd-drive (=6 cd/dvd changer)?

Well, I am happy with my 2008 model... What else is different to 2008/2009?
Maybe i am wrong - i don't think that Chevrolet did any changes to that car so your car is modell 2009 and you bought it in 2011 - whatever.

You radio gps...

i bought a similiar device for my wife's car - it has no RDS, else the radio signal is very bad (to say it polite). the mp3-tags are too short, the displaycolor is a pain - no more... - my wife begged to get her old one back and now it "moulds" in the attic...
Some member here bought such a device you have - but all the chinese/korean devices are crap *just my opinion*

Only thing I miss is a BT functionality - but I can live without that
Chevrolet Epica LT 2.5 / 6-Gang AT / EZ 05/2008 / dark denim grey / LPG (BRC P&D)
Kia Carens CRDi 1.7 / 7-Gang DCT / EZ 09/2015 / schwarz


  • Gast
Re: picture of my savage EPICA 09 .. everybody enters
« Antwort #3 am: 05. September 2011, 20:36:51 »
really? - your Epica 2011 radio doesn't have mp3 else an CD/dvd-drive (=6 cd/dvd changer)?
< this is just for LT

but i am have LS .. yes my device is china , i bought before 6 month & no problem with it ..

the signal for radio good but i always use SD card ..

i tell you something .. in saudi arabia the Agencies do not provide all the specifications for the car because they want to profit more & more mony.. Do you know how many Airbag on my car the LS only one Airbag .. As for the LT is available 2 airbags but  both of them have  ABS & EDU .. In Germany or America have more than 6 Airbag. All specifications and provide excellent ..

Did you know that the new Sonata it doesn't has any airbag nor any safety systems? Only for full option..
and we have Under Toyota is name latif he is steal the radio original and put the chainees one!!!!
But go to the Arab Emirates (UAE)  have good agents and all the system safety..
« Letzte Änderung: 05. September 2011, 20:41:07 von SAUDI EPICA »


  • Gast
Re: picture of my savage EPICA 09 .. everybody enters
« Antwort #4 am: 06. September 2011, 01:04:16 »

Of course my car is from my country saudi arabia - asia

and tell me what do u  think about my car ...
Globaler Moderator Kommentar Sorry this is NO Platform for political / religion discussions.
« Letzte Änderung: 20. September 2011, 11:17:36 von Inti31 »


  • Gast
Re: picture of my savage EPICA 09 .. everybody enters
« Antwort #5 am: 06. September 2011, 15:10:18 »

ok no problem.. but why u r angry! relax just mistake  :freu


  • Gast
Re: picture of my savage EPICA 09 .. everybody enters
« Antwort #6 am: 06. September 2011, 23:02:22 »
I agree. Nice is that our Epica also have to be with you. :applause


  • Gast
Re: picture of my savage EPICA 09 .. everybody enters
« Antwort #7 am: 07. September 2011, 15:01:05 »

ok no problem.. but why u r angry! relax just mistake  :freu

Sorry Saudi Epica,

the user 200 was so angry about you and that I deleted his post, that he asked us to delete his account. This is no Problem for us, cause this is a car-enthusiast Forum. There was NO reason for him to be so rude to you.

Maybe he calms down in a few days and comes back on board...

See ya!


  • Gast
Re: picture of my savage EPICA 09 .. everybody enters
« Antwort #8 am: 09. September 2011, 02:38:49 »

thanks :)


thanks very much for your upscale dealings , and no need for apology  :thumbsup


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